Extract from the NLRD

The National Learners` Records Database (NLRD) is the management information system of the National Qualifications Framework. The NLRD holds records of education and training: qualifications and part qualifications (including unit standards) registered on the NQF; the NQF sub-frameworks and their related Quality Councils; the twelve organising fields and the subfields of the NQF; recognised professional bodies and professional designations.

To safeguard your personal information on the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD), the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) has implemented a new procedure to request an extract from the NLRD.

To request your extract, please do the following;

  1. Complete and sign the attached consent form.
  2. Scan a certified copy of your ID Book/Card/Passport and the fully completed consent form.
    (The certification should not be older than 3 months)
  3. Attach and email the certified copy of your identification and consent form and send them to verifications@saqa.co.za with the subject "Extract from the NLRD".
  4. A copy of your information from the NLRD will be sent to your designated email within 20 working days.

Please note: The extract is a copy of what is found under your name on the NLRD; it is not a certificate nor does it replace SAQA’s verification process. If you want a verification of all your qualifications, send a request to verificationsletter@saqa.co.za with the subject "Verification Letter - Quotation" (include your name, ID number and copies of your qualification).


Consent Form

Notice to Learners